Please help me with my book proposal!
The bulk of my Squarespace move is finished, though I still have quite a few tweaks to go. Still, it's SO GOOD to finally get back to my own writing! Also a relief to Google my name & Inkygirl pages and NOT get pharmaceutical hacked info. But back to my own writing...
More and more people have been inquiring about where they can buy a print collection of my comics, so I've (finally) written a nonfiction book proposal featuring compilation of my best Inkygirl and Will Write For Chocolate comics. I plan to send it out soon, but obviously I want to include samples of my work.
Do you recall a favourite comic of mine you think I should include in the proposal? If so, please describe it below.
For those who missed my earlier post, by the way, I've started a separate blog feed for just my Inkygirl comics and am gradually uploading the archives, one comic at a time. The goal of this separate blog is to make it easier for people to find comics on a particular topic for posting in their blogs, using in their presentations, etc. I'm tagging and categorizing as I go.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Reader Comments (4)
Sorry, Inkygirl, but none come to mind - there are far, far too many!
If I think of anything useful I'll let you know.
I don't know I kind of like all of them. Though the one in this post is one of my favorites. Can I use it as a post for my blog? My blog is linked with my name if you want to look at it.
Fairy: thanks! :-)
Esmirelda: Thanks, Esmirelda. re: comic use - You can find my comic use guidelines at
I laughed out loud when I saw the comic with the Valentine's Day regection letter to Sam. I think it has a 2007 copyright if that helps.