I'M WORRIED on the Stephen Colbert show!
TOTALLY thrilled to find out that Michael Ian Black was on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert talking about our newest picture book, I'M WORRIED. Book mention starts at around the 4:18 timestamp. And he talks about the first two books in the I'M... series, too: I'M BORED and I'M SAD, woohoo!
I had no idea this was going to happen. I only found out when a friend of mine who lives in Berlin emailed me saying that he just saw my book on the Stephen Colbert show. Of course I immediately went online to find the clip.
Michael also mentions I'M HAPPY as our next book together - I am sooooo excited about this as well, and can't wait to get the contract (and see the mss)!
And thanks so much to those who have told me about how I'M BORED, I'M SAD and I'M WORRIED have helped their young readers; I so appreciate it!

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